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- Current problems of the world economy and international trade. Popkova, E. G., & Andronova, I. V. (2022).(Ser. Research in economic anthropology, 42). Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Dispute settlement in the world trade organization: practice and procedure (Third). Palmeter, N. D., Mavroidis, P. C., & Meagher, N. (2022). Cambridge University Press.
- Global investing: a practical guide to the world's best financial opportunities. Erickson, D. (2023). John Wiley & Sons.
- Global trade in the emerging business environment. Mohiuddin, M., Wang, J., Al Azad, M., & Ahmed, S. (Eds.). (2022).IntechOpen.
- Sustainable commodity use: its governance, legal framework, and future regulatory instruments .Oehl, M. E. (2022). (Ser. Eyiel monographs, volume 21). Springer.
- Trade in knowledge: the globalization of digital commerce. Taubman, A., & Watal, J. (Eds.). (2022). Cambridge University Press.
- Trade links: new rules for a new world. Bacchus, J. (2022). Cambridge University Press.
- Biens et services canadiens liés à l'environnement et aux technologies propres : considérations particulières en matière de commerce international : rapport du comité permanent du commerce international. Canada. Parlement. Chambre des communes. Comité permanent du commerce international, & Sgro, J. (2022). Comité permanent du commerce international.